Our Services
These are treatments where medications (i.e. “Dysport”, “Botox”, etc.) are used to reduce the appearance of creases that have etched over time. These medications are injected into areas like the glabella, also known as the frown lines or “11’s - lines that appear between the brows when the eyebrows are furrowed.
The same types of medications are also used to control muscle overuse, leading to jaw clenching and headaches, and excessive sweating. Although it varies among individuals for many reasons, these aesthetic treatments typically kick in within 3-7 days of injection, and last between three and five months.
Downtime is minimal, though we do not recommend any strenuous activity for 24 hours post injection, lying down, or manipulation of the area post treatment.
Ask us about Microtox - a treatment that involves injection of multiple micro-droplets of diluted neuromodulator injected more superficially to areas like the face and neck, to decrease sweat and sebaceous gland activity. The goal is improved skin texture and sheen, achieved by targeting the superficial layer of muscles that find attachment to the deeper level of the dermis.

Dermal Fillers
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is naturally produced in the body, and also naturally broken down by the body. Dermal fillers (i.e. “Restylane,” “Juvederm,” etc.) are cohesive gels that are synthetic, but meant to mimic the action of the naturally occurring HA in your body. They are injected into certain areas of the face and are intended to lift and sculpt the face in response to volume loss caused by aging. They are temporary in duration, and can be purposefully broken down or dissolved using an enzyme called Hyaluronidase.
Filler results are immediate, but can require some time to integrate into the tissues after swelling has gone down. It is normal to expect some degree of swelling, and potential bruising. We do not recommend this treatment prior to a special event. The area injected may not be the area that appears to be the problem, which is why you will require a consultation prior to treatment. The longevity, type of filler and amount of filler will vary dependent on the area treated and the desired outcome.
Biostimulators like Sculptra and Radiesse are injectable products that are best known for their regenerative and collagen stimulating properties (think: Spanx for your face). Downtime is minimal, and biostimulators work with your body's intrinsic processes to produce a lasting result. Our collagen degrades as we age and simultaneously, our body produces less of both collagen and elastin, lending to volume loss, skin thinning and skin laxity. The injection of Sculptra can help to "redrape" the tissues; providing more structure to the lateral aspects of the face, as well as thicken the skin and improve its appearance. Radiesse is used to volumize, as well as stimulate the tissues for a regenerative outcome.
Both products are used in different ways to address different areas of the face, and can also be used to regenerate thinning tissue in the neck/chest, arms, legs, and stomach. A consultation is recommended prior to booking to ensure this treatment is the best option for you. Sculptra typically involves more than one treatment to achieve the desired results, but this will be broken down in further detail with an initial consultation.

Your blood is comprised of plasma, red cells, white cells, and platelets.
During this treatment, a sample of your blood is drawn from your arm and centrifuged (spun in a blood tube, in a machine at high velocity) to isolate the platelets so they can be re-injected. The platelets are beneficial in terms of healing because they contains hundreds of proteins called growth factors. Growth factors are chemicals that signal to your body to initiate the healing process. When injected directly into the dermis, or applied directly to the skin during a microneedling treatment, this can help with the stimulus of collagen, improving areas with thin, delicate skin (i.e. the under eyes).
This type of treatment has also produced high levels of satisfaction among patients with both male and female pattern baldness. It is injected directly into the area of hair loss, one treatment a month for three months, with follow ups every six months thereafter. No less than 3 treatments are recommended.
Microneedling is a skin treatment for the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and the overall improvement of skin texture, tone and color. We use the Health Canada approved Eclipse Micropen to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to aid in the production of collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in a thicker epidermis with a softer appearance of fine lines.
Patients generally experience redness and swelling for 2 days. Best results are seen 7 days post treatment, though visible results can continue to improve for up to 3 months.
(Photo to left is 1 week post treatment. Note improved overall tone & colour. Photo of patient used with consent).

B12 is a water soluble vitamin (your body will take what it needs and excrete the rest through urine), necessary for growth, the development of red blood cells, and nervous system maintenance. Add this onto a treatment, or simply as a supplement to your other health and wellness programs. Optimized B12 impacts your:
eye health
Deoxycholic Acid (commonly known as Belkyra) is an injectable lipolytic medication that is used to dissolve fat and/or achieve cellulite reduction in different parts of the body (double chin reduction being the most common). It is a synthetic form of a substance the body naturally produces to metabolize fats from our diet. The medication causes local lipolysis, (breakdown of fat cells) and subsequent excretion by your body’s macrophages. Treatment requires a consultation to determine suitability. If the procedure is deemed appropriate, the area is numbed topically, and then a series of injections are made to the targeted area. Downtime involves some local swelling in the area for about 1-2 weeks, and results begin to become apparent approximately 3-4 weeks post treatment. Results offer a reduction in submental fullness (“double chin”), a sharper profile and/or jaw contouring. It can be particularly impactful in conjunction with other treatments as part of a longer term plan, ie. chin and jawline filler.